How to be a farmer
The term "farmer" brings tractors, sprawling arable land, country

living and a veritable feast of other associations flashing into the

mind but what is farming, other than growing and rearing food? Surely

farming doesn't only have a place in the rural world, but in our

backyards too, and by simply taking a step back and breaking down the

fundamentals it is soon apparent that anyone can be a farmer, even in

their own urban jungle.

How to be a farmer

The World Wars of the 20th century certainly caused many suburban

families, caught amidst of turmoil of rations, to look to their

gardens as a source of food. Many kept chickens, grew main crops of

potatoes, salads and other staple vegetables, all to add to their

inadequate ration quota. Though the fast pace modern society has

largely deserted this culture, the impending food crisis, and a

growing feeling for looking after the planet and ourselves, means

that many are now seeking ways to better their lives. Whilst some

flee the cities in search of a rural life, others are snapping up

those last allotment plots. But you simply need to step out of your

back door, start sowing, and become an urban farmer.

Any garden can sustain some form of farming, whether it is directly

into the earth or harnessing the use of pots. One of the most

important aspects to bear in mind in urban farming is the use of

outside sources to fertilise your land. Farming on a large scale in a

rural setting, allows for crop rotation, for self fertilisation, but

on the small scale of city farming the earth on your plot, even if

adequate for the first year, will need continuous fertilisation.

Local stables or city farms can often be a fantastic source of much

needed manure and often offer it for free. Keeping chickens will also

supply a small amount of manure but it is important to remember that,

if feeding with produce from the farming, the nutrient cycle can only

last so long without another source.

Ideally, most urban farmers will turn over a large area of their

garden space to producing food. Whilst it may not allow self

sufficiency it will certainly add pleasure, excitement and tingling

to your taste buds. But urban farming works on even the tiniest

scale. Perhaps hanging baskets with specialised tomato plants, a

planted potato barrel, a deep window box with herbs or carrots. All

of this can be considered as urban farming.

The current climate certainly leads to saving the pennies. The

world's consumption of produce far exceeds its long term growing

capabilities, and growing your own is definitely in vogue right now.

So why not step out your back yard, put in some spuds, scatter some

seeds, and release your inner urban farmer.

How to be a farmer


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